PCT official fee estimator

Get an instant official fee estimate for filing your PCT patent application.

The calculator is intended for information purposes only. While we attempt to keep fee amounts updated, fees change regularly, and due care should be taken before relying on the calculated figures.

Significant search fee reductions of 60% are available to small entities and 80% for micro entities where the USPTO is the International Search Authority. However, you should be aware of the requirements and potential pitfalls in making these elections. For more information see our article on USPTO fee reductions, or for advice specific to your circumstances please get in touchwith our team.

  1. Fee data is current as of 27 May 2024, reflecting the 1 April 2024 WIPO fee table.
  2. The calculator assumes that the PCT application is filed online through ePCT, and that the request totals 5 pages in addition to the specification, claims, and abstract.
  3. Converted currency amounts assume a 5% cost of conversion from floating conversion rates.
  4. Where IB fees are to be paid, they are calculated in Swiss Francs (CHF).
  5. Additional fees may be incurred from local offices for obtaining DAS codes or certified copies of priority documents.