Free Two Actor Plays

free stage play scripts, monologues, skits, school plays

When working with another actor, it is important to listen to them. Not only is it important to know your cue line (the line that comes before yours) but it makes for a better performance if you react to the other actor's emotions as well. Pay attention to what the other actor is saying, how they say it and the actions they make. Then look closely at your lines and decide how you should react. What would be a logical emotion to have in response? How should you move in response to the other actor's movements? And how should you say your line in reaction to the other actor?

"A Sacrifice" - Short Drama- 2 actors (2 female) adapted from the scene "Grace" from the published play "Secrets of My Soul" ISBN-13: 978-1493533589

"Gossip" - Short Comedy - 2-5 more actors
(adult version or teen version) - Teen version is published in the play "The Weird, Wild and Wonderful Days of School" ISBN-13: 978-1482739626

"Confession" - drama for two actors from the play "Holy Ground" ISBN-13: 978-1502875990

"Falling Away From You" - drama for two actors about being away from each other (1 male 1 female) from "When Mel Fell for Nell" ISBN-13: 978-1512007183

"A Werewolf in my Bed" short comedy play for two actors (1 m 1 f) from "Between Good and Evil" ISBN-13: 978-1502982308

"Midnight of the Soul" Scene A - Short Drama- 2 actors (1 male, 1 female) ISBN-13: 978-1523724512

"Midnight of the Soul" Scene B - Short Drama- 2 actors (2 female) ISBN-13: 978-1523724512

"Gone With The Flush" duologue for 2 males from the published play "A Little Private Education" ISBN-13: 978-1532853111

"Hey Baby Let's Polka" comedy scene for 2 actors from the published play "A Little Private Education" ISBN-13: 978-1532853111

"Don't Sacrifice Yourself" environmental themed duologue for 2 actors from "Why Don't They Care What Happens to the Earth?" ISBN-13: 978-1533224668

"The Theatre Bug"- Short Romantic Comedy - 2 actors - 1 female and 1 male from the published play "The Ghosts of Detention" ISBN-13: 978-1499111309

"Cut Off from the World" - short drama for 2 females - adapted from the play "The Bullied, Bungled and Botched" ISBN-13: 978-1518661082

"Nukes Make Me Puke" - Short Comedy - 2 actors (female)

"Unicorns and Alley Cats" - A short Children's Play - 2 actors
A play for all ages

"Polly Wants a Cracker" A short play for two actors (one man, one woman, optional non-speaking extras) from a published play "The Weird, Wild and Wonderful Days of School" ISBN-13: 978-1482739626

"No Witnesses"- Short Drama - 2 actors adapted from "The Bullied, Bungled and Botched" ISBN-13: 978-1518661082

"Replenish the Earth"- Short Drama - 2 actors (link goes to Freedrama blog)

"Black Friday Selfie" duologue short play for 2 actors - from the play "Control the Future" ISBN-13: 978-1540666581

"Wingless Souls" duologue short play for 2 female actors - from the published play "Teen Angel"

"The Right Kind of People" duologue short play for 2 female actors - from published script "Teen Angel" ISBN-13: 978-1511481557

"Goodbye Girlfriend" duologue short play for 2 actors - 1 male 1 female - from published script "Teen Angel" ISBN-13: 978-1511481557

"Happy Again" duologue short play for 2 actors -2 female - from published script "Teen Angel" ISBN-13: 978-1511481557

"Love Someone Else" duologue short play for 2 actors - 1 male 1 female - from published script "Teen Angel" ISBN-13: 978-1511481557

"Get His Attention" duologue short play for 2 actors -2 female - from published script "Teen Angel" ISBN-13: 978-1511481557

"Guilt is a Form of Memory" duologue short play for 2 actors - 1 male 1 female - from published script "Teen Angel" ISBN-13: 978-1511481557

"Lost Souls" duologue short play for 2 actors - 1 male 1 female - from published script "Teen Angel" ISBN-13: 978-1511481557

"No Deliverance from the Evil"- Short Drama - 2 actors - 1 female and 1 male - from the play "Holy Ground" ISBN-13: 978-1502875990

"Wayfaring Stranger"- Short Drama Romantic scene - 2 actors - 1 female and 1 male from the play "Holy Ground" ISBN-13: 978-1502875990

"Pants on Fire" short romantic comedy for 2 actors (any gender)

"Living in the Car" short romantic comedy for 2 actors (1 male 1 female)

"Books and Bug Zapper" romantic comedy for 2 actors - 1 male 1 female

"The Dead Ones" dramatic Civil War duologue for 2 male actors

"Find Yourself a Nice Girl" short musical duologue for two actors - 1 teen male and 1 older female (link goes to Freedrama blog)

"Screamy Youie Kicky Booty" - Short Comedy - 2 actors

"Stealing Moments"- Short Comedy Skit about being married with babies - 2 actors - 1 male and 1 female from When Mel Fell for Nell ISBN-13: 978-1512007183

"Such a Good Listener"- Short Comedy Skit for two senior 55+ aged actors - 1 male and 1 female (link goes to Freedrama blog)

"Kate and Rick" - Duologue scene for two actors from Published Script- Male and Female - from published script "Teen Angel" ISBN-13: 978-1511481557

"Shakespeare and Love" A short play for two actors (one man, one woman)

"Bad Air" - Short Comedy - 2 actors (1 male and 1 female)

"Late" Short play for two male (over 18) actors - from "When Mel Fell for Nell" ISBN-13: 978-1512007183

"You Make Me Look Skinnier" is a short play for 2 female actors about bullying with audience participation

Featured Duologue

(How to Start a Part Time Posse)
by D. M. Larson

Copyright (c) 2015 All Rights Reserved
from the published play
"Control the Future"
ISBN-13: 978-1540666581


(A customer, PAT approaches JULES who is a salesperson at a marketing firm)

I'd like to buy myself a crowd.

I'd like to buy a crowd. I heard you handle crowdfunding and I need a crowd. You know. like a posse?

That's not exactly what crowdfunding is.

I want to look important and if I have a crowd following me around, that will make everyone think there's something special about me.

I'm afraid that's not exactly what we do.

When you're growing up, everyone tells you that you're special. Your parents, your teachers, your parole officer.

Parole officer? Um. maybe I should call someone.

Yes, call together my team. team Pat. Or maybe I should pick something more dramatic like Team Washington. Makes me sound like I'm a politician or something.

Are you a politician?

No, but I need that crowd. You going to help me?

Well. would these people be your employees? Or would they be a part time posse?

Part time would work. I'd just like them around at certain key times like school reunions, family gatherings and court dates. I need someone to cheer me on. I need someone who has my back. I need to be supported. I want to feel like I'm important and that I matter.

Actually, I think that's what most people want.

Then maybe this is the start of new business. or a revolution! We could rent out the part time posse to other people with low self-esteem like me and help build them up. That will give them a nice little boost at key times in their lives.

Okay, I see what you're saying. I'm starting to dig this.

So what do you say? You going to help me fund my crowd?

Well. I am in this band and we play every Friday night and not many people come. If I could rent them every Friday.

There you go. crowd. funded. Part time posse plan in motion.

You just need to fill out this online form.

On your computer.

I don't have one.

Do you have a smart phone?

I don't trust smart gadgets.

That explains why you didn't know about crowdfunding. I'll help with the online form then. any other questions before we get started?

Yeah. I'm curious about those news programs that you can talk to. where you can become the friends of the newscasters? I really like the morning news team on channel 13. I'd love to socialize with them.

I'm not sure I've heard of that.

You know. social media.

Oh! Well. um. let's tackle your crowdfunding first. Then we'll. um. figure out the next one.

Then you gotta tell me how to keep people from googling me. That sounds creepy.

All in good time my friend. All in good time.

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For permission to use this play, please email (include the title "Crowdfunding" in your request).

This scene is from the published play "Control the Future" ISBN-13: 978-1540666581