UCCX 12.5 - Reporting for Supervisors Overview

Supervisors have access to run reports. Please note that the reporting modules has features which are not supported at UW-Madison. There is no plans to implement these other features such as the Data Analyzer. This document will outline the supported features.

  1. Log into Cisco Unified Intelligence Center using your NetID credentials. We recommend using Firefox. Some features don't work well in Chrome.
  2. This will take you to the home screen


There are 2 different types of reports: Live Data and Historical. The Live Data is similar to what you see in your supervisor Finesse desktop. Those report will give your real-time data since midnight. The historical data allows you run reports that you can export to Excel. To get to these reports, click the Reports Icon on the left navigation bar. Then choose the Stock folder.

Live Data Reports

  1. Advanced Supervisor - Voice CSQ Summary - Lists the queue name, number of waiting calls, number abandon calls, longest call in queue, team name, and the number of agents added and deleted since midnight.
  2. Team State Report - Lists the agent name, agent ID, login duration (since midnight), current state, and duration (in that state) since midnight.
  3. Team Summary Report - This is the same team report that shows up in Finesse. UCCX 12.5 - Team Data
  4. Voice CSQ Agent Detail Report - Lists the CSQ (queue), agent name, agent ID, current state, duration, and not ready reason (if applicable) since midnight.
  5. Voice CSQ Summary Report - This is the same team report that shows up in Finesse. UCCX 12.5 - Queue Data

Historical Reports

To get to the historical reports, click the Unified CCX Historical folder. Then choose the Inbound folder.

  1. Queue Reports
    1. Abandoned Call Detail Activity Report - Provides information about abandoned calls; a call is abandoned if it is not answered by an agent and the caller hangs up (even if the caller has not been queued) or is disconnected.
    2. Contact Service Queue Activity Report - Gives a good overview of the CSQ and how it handled calls.
    3. Contact Service Queue Activity by CSQ Report - Shows information about service levels and about the number and percentage of calls presented, handled, abandoned, and dequeued. The sum of Dequeued and Calls Handled by Others in CSQ Activity report equals the Dequeued count in this report. Mostly used for the interval feature of 30 or 60 minutes.
    4. CSQ Agent Summary Report - Shows agent stats for the queue that the call was in so that you can see the effect of the agents participation in that CSQ.
    5. CSQ All Fields Report - Contains all the data from the three previous reports combined into one.
    6. Contact Service Queue Activity Report by Window Duration - Unique report, when Custom time interval is chosen. Pick a start day at 8:00:00 am and a stop day at 5:00:00 pm. Select an interval (e.g. 30 or 60 minutes). Pick your GMT offset. FYI: Central time is minus 6 hours in standard and minus 5 in daylight. Then pick your queue. When the report runs, it will show you data in the interval chosen each day from the start time (8 am) to the end time (5 pm) only, rather than around the clock as the other report does.
    1. Agent Summary Report - A summary of agent activities, detailing calls presented and handled as well as average and maximum times for the various states like Talk and Work. Idle time is just Not Ready.
    2. Agent State Summary Report - When run for the entire report interval, this report goes well with Agent Summary. This details the total time the agent was logged in as well as the total time in each state like Ready and Not Ready.
    3. Agent Call Summary Report - Shows for each agent specified, summary information about each inbound call, and each outbound call by the agent. For inbound CCX calls, this reports the average time the agent spent in Talk state, Work state, and on hold; for non-CCX calls, it shows the average and max talk time for the agent. For outbound calls, this reports the average and max call time for the agent. This report also shows the number of calls transferred to the agent & transferred out by the agent and the number of conference calls in which the agent participated.
    4. Agent All Fields Report - This is a combination of the three previous reports into one
    5. Reason Code Report by Agent Grouping - Shows all the reason codes that the agent logged time against while Not Ready.
    6. Agent Login Logout Activity Report - Contains detailed information about agent login and logout activities; for each agent, it shows the login date & time and the logout date & time for each login session during the report period as well as the reason code (if applicable) the agent entered when logging out.

    If you need further help, please contact the DoIT Help Desk for assistance.

    See Also

    Keywords cisco contact center express call center Finesse agent agents phone telephone calls reporting data report excel queues Suggest keywords Doc ID110143
    OwnerChance H.GroupVoice Services
    Created2021-04-07 09:14:11Updated2024-08-19 08:58:56
    SitesDoIT Help Desk, Voice Services
    Feedback 3 1 Comment Suggest a new document
    Docs for the campus Cisco VoIP telephone system

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